Driver Knowledge Tests Menu

When learning to ride you should: When learning to ride you should:

  • A. Gain experience in complex traffic situations to build your skills quickly.

  • B. Ride in groups so that you are protected from cars.

  • C. Start in quiet streets that you know well.

    The correct answer is C
    Correct. Building up your skills in a safe environment is best when learning to ride.

Gaining riding experience

Riding experience is gained over time. You can't improve just by reading about it, you have to actually practice riding to get better at it, and it's best to practice in a safe, easy environment to start with, just like starting at level 1 in a computer game.

The main skills you will learn when riding are related to coordination and judgement when controlling your bike, and your awareness and knowledge of the movements of other road users and how that affects your lane position. Your ability to read the road will improve and your ability to respond will get quicker as you become used to your bike

Over time you will also experience hundreds of different (and sometimes challenging) riding scenarios with all kinds of weather, all volumes of traffic, night and day, and with different types of emotions and things going on in your life.

You will probably ride several different bikes with differing handling characteristics, and you might carry a pillion passenger or a heavy load which will change the handling.

You can improve your skills by taking advanced riding courses, too.