When buying a motorbike helmet you can be assured that they all conform to a minimum standard of safety and impact protection, but not all helmets are created equally. Some are much stronger than others and the job of testing…
Tarmac will shred your skin in a fraction of a second if you slide along it at speed. We’ve all had grazed knees and elbows from coming off a pushbike at only a few kilometres per hour. Now imagine it…
In 1976 Professor Harry Hurt conducted a motorcycle safety study in the USA at the bequest of the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The study, called Motorcycle Accident Cause Factors and Identification of Countermeasures, Volume 1: Technical…
The Institute of Advanced Motorists in the UK recently surveyed 700 motorcyclists to find out their experience of buying protective clothing. 90% of riders say they ride with protective clothing all the time, but 43% of them said that the…
Your helmet is your lifeline in the event of an accident, so you’ll need to choose one that is perfectly fitted to your head and your requirements to help it give you the maximum protection possible. It is illegal to…
Your helmet is designed to minimise the risk of head injury and therefore they are made to specific standards to ensure that each helmet meets the minimum criteria. In Australia there are standards for motorcycle helmets based on Australian Standard…