Merging is where you join an existing lane of traffic or where two lanes become one. It’s best practice to signal for at least 3 seconds before merging and to merge at the same speed as the traffic you are merging into (i.e. don’t force other road users to brake or swerve out of the way). Check over your shoulder to ensure there are no other road users in your path (cyclists and motorcyclists are difficult to see). Make the manoeuvre smoothly.

When a lane ends, a sign gives instructions

Vehicles should merge like a zip for the most effective traffic flow. A driver should use the entire length of a slip road/on-ramp to get up to speed and match the speed of any vehicles in the target lane.

If someone is pushing their way in, simply give them room. It’s better to be one car back than sustain damage or risk a road rage incident.
Trucks merging must plan further ahead as they need more room to merge into. Signal earlier and give positive indications about where you intend to merge so that other road users aren’t in doubt.