Driver Knowledge Tests

Driver opportunities in trucking

There’s a shortage of truck drivers and it’s getting worse. The average age of a truck driver is now over 47 (it’s over 55 in America!) Truck drivers in Australia can get better pay than in Europe and New Zealand,

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

What are lashings and load securing devices?

When carrying a load on any vehicle the first priority is that it’s secure so that it doesn’t come off while traveling and endanger other road users. Not all loads have to be secured with any particular type of fastening

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

What are the benefits of air suspension on trucks

Air suspension has some significant advantages over traditional coil or leaf spring suspension on trucks and trailers. It is a system of rubber and polyurethane bags, inflated by a compressor, which substitute for coil or leaf spring suspension. Benefits Driver

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

The definitive list of truck fuel economy tricks

If you want to get an advantage over your competitors, fuel economy is one way to do it. Even simple changes can make big differences. Improve aerodynamics and rolling resistance Aerodynamics: making the truck more slippery Trucks have a huge

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

How to become a tow truck driver or operator

Tow truck driver vs tow truck operator First decide whether you want to be a tow truck operator (a person that conducts a tow truck business), or just a tow truck driver (a person that works for a tow truck

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

Trucks will communicate with traffic lights to reduce congestion

Trucks take a long time to slow down and accelerate away from traffic lights and this causes congestion, particularly at the margins of the city centre, as fewer other vehicles are able to pass through the intersection. In order to

Posted in Heavy Vehicle

Types of trucks and trailers and what they carry

road train

Trucks are either rigid, rigid in combination (short, medium or long) or prime movers (tractor units) in short or multi-combination. If you’re looking for a job driving a truck check this article. The types of loads and trailers they haul

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle