Driver Knowledge Tests

10 more new vehicle technologies to look out for (+ images )

If you’re thinking of buying a car you’ll need to get acquainted with the rapidly evolving array of technology and features available, some of which improve safety and others that increase comfort or convenience. Front-mounted cameras Front-mounted cameras are rare,

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Posted in Advice, Car

10 newer vehicle technology features you should look out for (+images and video)

When you are learning to drive and looking at your first car you will see a bewildering number of names, abbreviations and acronyms for functions and technology on cars. Some features will help with safety while others are luxury and

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Posted in Advice, Car

ANCAP safety ratings: what to look for when buying a car

ANCAP is the Australasian New Car Assessment Program. It’s a crash testing program similar to Euro NCAP in Europe and JNCAP in Japan which measures how well a car (which includes SUVs) protects its occupants and pedestrians in a crash. ANCAP

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Posted in Advice, Car

Changing season brings more risks for truck drivers

Spring came this week, and Daylight Saving is just a month away on October 5th, but both of those mark an increase in risk for truck drivers. Drivers often either work during hours where traffic is minimised (i.e. during the

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

Bull bars: What are the rules in New South Wales?

The police campaign to fine drivers with 5-post bull bars has been halted while a working group has negotiated a two-year reprieve. Police and others are concerned that the radical design of some of the bull bars compromises pedestrian safety

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Posted in Advice, Car, DKT

Essential protective clothing for riding your motorcycle

Tarmac will shred your skin in a fraction of a second if you slide along it at speed. We’ve all had grazed knees and elbows from coming off a pushbike at only a few kilometres per hour. Now imagine it

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

New South Wales speed limits

Speed limit signs are always a black number inside a red circle. In New South Wales the speed limits range from 10kph to 110kph in 10kph increments, but the majority of roads will either be 50kph in urban areas, 100kph in

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Posted in Advice, Car, DKT, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike