Driver Knowledge Tests

Motorbike crashes: highside and lowside crashes explained

There are a number of ways you can come off your bike, including over the handlebars, off the back, or hitting something. There are two very common ways of crashing on a corner and they are the lowside and highside

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

8 more new vehicle features that improve safety and convenience (+images and video)

There are some technologies that are starting to become more common on vehicles which help with safety and convenience, and can be beneficial to the environment. Regenerative braking Regenerative braking is when kinetic energy is recovered during braking. Usually, braking

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle

Common injuries motorbike riders suffer

However much protective clothing you wear (read our guide here), there’s always the risk of injury if you come off your motorbike at speed – you can only minimise the risk, not eliminate it. The Hurt Report found that 98%

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

What are raised profile line markings or rumble strips?

Raised profile line marking is a type of road marking that generates a noise and vibration when a vehicle’s tyre rolls over it. It’s also called a rumble strip. It consists of a painted line (which can be white or

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

Complete guide to towing a caravan

Once you have your P2 or full licence you can tow a caravan, tent trailer or camper trailer. If you have never towed a trailer before, read our definitive guide to towing, here, as it has weights, measures and general advice.

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Posted in Advice, Car

Can you drive with cruise control in the rain?

Cruise control is a common technology that allows you to set a particular speed on your car and the car will try to maintain that speed. This is usually regardless of the road conditions, the actual speed limit or the

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Posted in Advice, Car

Oversteer, understeer, hydroplaning and wheelspin: skidding explained

A skid is when your tyres lose traction with the surface they are on. Whenever you drive your vehicle your tyres are subjected to forces that try to make them skid: Acceleration – your wheels will try to spin Braking – your wheels

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike