Driver Knowledge Tests

How to pass your driving test

Theory test Learn the road rules for the DKT or RKT using the free tests on this websites – car, motorbike, heavy vehicle. Once you can get 100% consistently in every section for your vehicle, you’re good to go. Bookmark the

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Posted in Advice

What is street furniture?

Street furniture (also called road furniture) are items added to roads, footpaths and verges to help influence road user behaviour and assist pedestrians. Pedestrians Public amenity signs Public amenity signs give pedestrians information about the local area. In the case of the

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

Social Media Groups for Truckers in Australia

Whether you’re learning to drive a heavy vehicle or you’ve been driving for years, sometimes it can help to broaden your contacts. Social media groups are a great way to meet new people, ask advice, score a deal or sell

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

ICE contact details in an accident

If you have a vehicle accident and are incapacitated, it’s a good idea to have your ‘in case of emergency (ICE)’ details available. You can put this in your phone under ‘ICE’, but that requires someone to know your unlock

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

How to save $85 on your driver’s licence fee

If you’re a learner driver this won’t apply to you yet, but it’s something you can look forward to. Once you get your unrestricted licence (one-, three- or five-year) if you have no relevant offences for five years you can

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

NSW Safer Drivers Course

The Safer Drivers Course is a course you can take while you’re on your Ls. It helps you understand speed management, gap selection, hazard awareness and safe following distances. It gives you skills that will make your solo driving on

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Posted in Advice, Car

Child restraint laws in cars in Australia

If you want to carry children under the age of 7 in your car you will need an approved child seat as they reduce the chance of your child being injured in a crash. As your child grows you will

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Posted in Advice, Car