Driver Knowledge Tests

How to adjust your car seat correctly

Lexus ES350 steering wheel

Adjusting the car seat correctly has multiple benefits: Better control over the car Less fatigue while driving long distances Better blind spot visibility Less risk of injury from the airbag and steering column if you have an accident How to

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Posted in Advice

Listening to your emails in the car

We all know how bad it is to take our eyes off the road to read a text message, and many people admit to checking email in their car or truck, too. If you get a lot of email you

Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle

Critical car dashboard warning lights

The newer and more complex your car, the more warning lights there will be on the dashboard. They are there to give you vital information about how your car is functioning and ignoring them could mean you are doing damage

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Posted in Advice, Car

Is it worth paying more for higher octane premium fuel?

Some manufacturers specify that you should run your car on 95 or 98 octane minimum rather than on regular ULP (unleaded petrol). Some of these high-performance fuels make claims that they will clean your engine, help protect it and even

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How to avoid deliberate accidents from scammers

Unfortunately this is a very real, but quite rare, part of driving that hopefully you will never experience: a person deliberately stages an accident which looks like your fault, but is really designed to achieve them an insurance payout, or

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How to drive through a flood

Flash floods are possible at any time. Some areas are particularly prone to them and you will see signposts, such as the one below, mounted on high poles. At the edge of a flood you will have standing water several

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Road widths

How are road widths decided? Road widths are decided using: Vehicle type Volume (frequency) Speed Lane type required (e.g. is a turning bay required, or will long vehicles need to turn sharply and therefore need a larger swept path) Situation

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