Driver Knowledge Tests

Can you be fined for having a smoky vehicle exhaust?

Exhaust pollutants are a major health issue and the NSW Environmental Protection Agency and various agencies are committed to reducing unnecessary pollution from badly maintained engines. If your vehicle emits exhaust fumes for more than 10 seconds, you could be fined

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Motorcycle crash study

More and more people are turning to two wheels to keep travel costs down, avoid congestion and to have fun on our roads, but this means that an increasing proportion of road casualties in New South Wales are motorcyclists. While

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

High visibility equipment for motorbikes

Motorcyclists and cyclists are much more vulnerable than cars and heavy vehicles on the road, especially at night. There is a wide variety of equipment, though, that can help with visibility on the roads. Illuminated bands LED technology is now

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

Should you turn your vehicle off when idling?

More and more vehicles are coming with automatic stop/start technology which stops your engine if you are stationary with your foot on the brake, and restarts it as soon as you lift your foot off the brake. If you have

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What is brake testing?

Brake testing is where a driver in front of you deliberately applies the brakes heavily in order to force you to brake, and to risk you running into the back of them, which would technically be your fault. It is

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

Leading causes of distraction-based crashes

Teens don’t have much experience driving, and they are at risk of crashing due to distractions inside and outside the car. The diagram above shows the main causes as stated by the AAA (American Automobile Association). Interacting with passengers –

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Why turning your wheels at an intersection can be dangerous

Sometimes we’re tempted to turn our wheels while waiting to turn at an intersection and that, as you will see in the video below, is a particularly bad idea. The dual dashcam video shows the driver being hit from behind

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle