Driver Knowledge Tests

Can you drive after having a brain injury?

Some head injuries cause long-lasting or permanent effects on the person, while others only cause temporary effects whereby the person can gradually resume doing all (or most) of the things they could do before they had the injury. Driving is

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How to become a police road traffic officer

If you’d like to uphold the rules of the road and spend your career driving a car or riding a high-powered motorbike, being a police traffic officer could be a fulfilling career. Of course, there’s a lot more to it

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Mobile phone road rules

You can use a mobile phone when driving, but only under certain circumstances because they are a distraction. Here are the rules. Learner and provisional P1 (red Ps) and P2 (green Ps) You’re not allowed to use a phone at

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

What to do if a car is blocking your driveway

Negligently or willfully obstructing, hindering or preventing the free passage of traffic is an offence. It’s also an offence to cause unreasonable inconvenience to other motorists, and that’s the law under which blocking someone’s driveway falls. If your driveway is

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Can you be fined for having a smoky vehicle exhaust?

Exhaust pollutants are a major health issue and the NSW Environmental Protection Agency and various agencies are committed to reducing unnecessary pollution from badly maintained engines. If your vehicle emits exhaust fumes for more than 10 seconds, you could be fined

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Motorcycle crash study

More and more people are turning to two wheels to keep travel costs down, avoid congestion and to have fun on our roads, but this means that an increasing proportion of road casualties in New South Wales are motorcyclists. While

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

High visibility equipment for motorbikes

Motorcyclists and cyclists are much more vulnerable than cars and heavy vehicles on the road, especially at night. There is a wide variety of equipment, though, that can help with visibility on the roads. Illuminated bands LED technology is now

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike