Driver Knowledge Tests

Beach driving tips and rules

Driving on the beach is both fun and gets you to places that can be just that little bit more remote with less people. There are great fishing and camping spots, too, plus you can carry gear that would be

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Which drivers are most at risk of having a crash?

We all have some risk of having a crash when we drive; it’s why insurance costs so much. But, some drivers are more at risk than others, and it’s not always obvious. Various studies, including one with 3500 drivers, have

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Who are the riskiest drivers?

Most people believe they are above average drivers, but statistics say otherwise. Numerous studies and statistical analyses have been published, and the following are the most risky drivers. People who can’t manage time People who fail to plan their time effectively

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How many people are affected by one car crash?

A car crash sounds like a simple thing: one car hits another car, things get cleared away and then people get on with their lives. It couldn’t be further from the truth, though. In reality, vehicle crashes cost our economy

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Types of vehicle sales, from new to used

When you buy yourself a car it’s either going to be new (i.e. never had an owner before) or used (had an owner before). But there are a few other definitions that you should understand which can help you determine

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Why don’t new cars ever have zero kilometers on the odometer?

If you buy a new car (or even just go and look at a new car in a dealership) you’ll never find one that has zero kilometers on the clock. The minimum will be around 4 and it will usually

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How to calculate the CO2 (carbon dioxide) produced while driving

Diesel produces approximately 2.68kg of CO2 per litre, petrol produces approximately 2.31kg of CO2 per litre burned, and LPG about 1.51kg per litre. These numbers are fairly consistent across all vehicles. If your vehicle is passing a lot of unburned

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