Driver Knowledge Tests

Driving in an earthquake: what should you do?

While we don’t have as many earthquakes in Australia as the shaky isles they call New Zealand, there are still a surprising number. Most of the time they are too small to feel while you’re driving, but if it’s a

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Posted in Advice

The Great Aussie Road Trip Checklist

With a huge variety of scenery and terrain to see in Australia, a road trip is absolutely essential, but you need to be prepared, especially if you’re heading into the outback. This checklist will see you right. Prepping your vehicle

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The definitive list of truck fuel economy tricks

If you want to get an advantage over your competitors, fuel economy is one way to do it. Even simple changes can make big differences. Improve aerodynamics and rolling resistance Aerodynamics: making the truck more slippery Trucks have a huge

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

Beach driving tips and rules

Driving on the beach is both fun and gets you to places that can be just that little bit more remote with less people. There are great fishing and camping spots, too, plus you can carry gear that would be

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Which drivers are most at risk of having a crash?

We all have some risk of having a crash when we drive; it’s why insurance costs so much. But, some drivers are more at risk than others, and it’s not always obvious. Various studies, including one with 3500 drivers, have

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Who are the riskiest drivers?

Most people believe they are above average drivers, but statistics say otherwise. Numerous studies and statistical analyses have been published, and the following are the most risky drivers. People who can’t manage time People who fail to plan their time effectively

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How many people are affected by one car crash?

A car crash sounds like a simple thing: one car hits another car, things get cleared away and then people get on with their lives. It couldn’t be further from the truth, though. In reality, vehicle crashes cost our economy

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