Driver Knowledge Tests

Can you drive in Australia as an international student?

There are educational institutions in all kinds of out-of-the-way places where owning a car or motorbike can make it much easier for you to get around. While you might not need (or want) a car if you’re studying in the

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Distracted pedestrians: how to drive safely around them

Crossing the road requires a complex set of mental calculations to judge the speed and distance of approaching vehicles vs the ability for you to get across the road. Texting, talking and using apps while you are walking leads to

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The grey fleet: driving your own car for work

If you drive your own car for work (not just to and from work), then it’s part of the grey fleet. The grey fleet includes vehicles that are privately owned by employees vehicles that are privately rented or borrowed by

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What happens in a vehicle recall?

Millions of vehicles have been affected by recalls to fix problems that weren’t apparent when they were extensively tested during development.  Or, in some cases a manufacturer supplies a faulty part such as Takata with its airbags (Toyota, for example,

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How to reduce fuel consumption using truck aerodynamic aids

Fuel is used to push a large truck through the air, so making it as slippery as possible, and with as little rolling resistance as is practical, can have a big effect on fuel usage. Little gains in fuel economy

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What are lashings and load securing devices?

When carrying a load on any vehicle the first priority is that it’s secure so that it doesn’t come off while traveling and endanger other road users. Not all loads have to be secured with any particular type of fastening

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

What are sharrows and what do they mean?

A sharrow is a road marking consisting of two chevrons (arrows) that indicates it’s a shared lane, usually for cyclists and motorists. Sharrows draw awareness to motorists that there are likely to be more cyclists on this road and that

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