Driver Knowledge Tests

Why are traffic lights in the USA and some other countries horizontal?

This is a question that is mostly relevant to America, Canada and Japan because in the majority of the world, traffic lights are always vertical. If you’re driving around Australia, all our lights are vertically aligned, like the ones below.

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10 Best Wiper Blades To Buy in 2017

If your car’s wiper blades are splitting, streaking, skipping, or squeaking, it’s the perfect time for a replacement. When it comes to choosing the best wiper blades for your car, it’s imperative that you consider the size and fitment. Of

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10 things to consider when buying a car battery

Most car batteries are limited to a lifespan of 3-5 years depending on the nature of the trips and climatic conditions. Here are a few tips on what to look out for when buying a new battery for your car.

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What is drink walking?

Drink walking is when a person is drunk and walks home. It’s very common among young males aged 18-30 and one-third of all pedestrian fatalities are people who have a blood alcohol level above the legal driving limit of 0.05

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What is trailer sway and how do you stop it?

Trailer sway, or fishtailing, is when a trailer begins to move from side-to-side on its own, eventually resulting in flipping and (sometimes) turning the towing vehicle over, too. You can see an example in the video below. It doesn’t happen on

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What are fleet vehicles?

Fleet vehicles are vehicles which are owned, leased or used by a company or organisation for the purposes of work. They included what’s called the ‘grey fleet‘, too. They include not just road-going vehicles, but aircraft and watercraft, too. Typically,

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How often should you check your rearview and wing mirrors?

Driving experts recommend you glance at your mirrors every 5-8 seconds. That sounds like a lot but let’s look at what can happen in just 5 seconds: If you’re in motorway traffic travelling at 100km/h you will have travelled 138

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