Driver Knowledge Tests

Is it legal to reverse out onto a main road?

The law says that you must not reverse your vehicle unless you can do so safely. Many people live on main roads and have a driveway onto that road. It might not be possible to turn around in the driveway

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If your brakes stop working while you’re driving, what should you do?

If your brakes stop working and you need to stop quickly or stop yourself from accelerating down a hill, there are nine things you should do. Don’t panic: there are many ways to slow a car down, plus, your car will

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Is it OK to cross your hands when steering?

Preferred hand position when driving There are two main hand positions for driving: Driving forwards: Hands at the quarter-to-three position, as shown above. Driving backwards: Right hand on the top of the steering wheel and left hand at 8 o’clock

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Bus lane rules

Driving or riding in bus lanes is permitted in some circumstances, but illegal use of a bus lane incurs 1 demerit point and a fine. What does a bus lane look like? The end of the bus lane will be

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Will electric vehicles make our towns quieter?

When an electric car isn’t moving, it is virtually silent. It’s also so quiet at low speeds that manufacturers like Hyundai play a sound to alert pedestrians (the ones that are distracted by their smartphones or headphones). But what about

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What languages can you take your DKT in?

For learner drivers that don’t have English as a first language, the Driver Knowledge Test is available in: Arabic Chinese Croatian Greek Korean Serbian Spanish Turkish Vietnamese All drivers should be able to read English. Our road signs are written

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How does being tired affect your driving?

We have a sleep/wake cycle that affects how tired we are. We can fight this cycle, but only for so long: eventually, our body’s requirement for sleep will be too strong and we will fall asleep. If this happens while

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