Driver Knowledge Tests

What is traction control?

Traction control is a method used in vehicles to stop the drive wheels from spinning. The drive wheels are the wheels that are powered by the motor. Traction control serves two main purposes: Stop the driver losing control Reduce unnecessary tyre

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What are the risks of driving for work?

If you drive for work, you are more at risk of having a traffic accident. More time on the road means more risk, plus there are other factors that influence how likely you are to have an accident in a

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How long is a tunnel?

When a road passes through an enclosed area you could say it’s going through a tunnel, but what about if it’s under a short bridge or if there are windows on one side? A tunnel has a very specific definition

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Can you drive with different sized tyres?

A car tyre has a measurement that will look similar to this: 205/60R16 The 205 is the width in millimetres, the R16 means that the hub’s diameter is 16 inches and the 60 refers to the sidewall height as a

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All the reasons you’ll fail your driving test

When you take your driving test there are many ways in which the testing officer can fail you. Some items mean an immediate fail (i.e. the test will be aborted) whereas others are minor errors and you are allowed to

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How to avoid being ripped off by rental vehicle companies

You’re heading away on holiday or on business and you need a car. You choose a well-known rental vehicle agency, book your car, pick it up, have a great trip and several days later hundreds of dollars of charges appear

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What happens if a truck tyre blows?

Truck tyres (i.e. semi-truck) are under much higher pressure than car tyres. In fact, when they are filled, they are filled in a cage which protects the tyre technician if the tyre blows. This is because a car tyre is

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