Driver Knowledge Tests

Eco-driving tips which will cut your fuel costs

If you can’t afford an electric car you’ll be acutely aware that the average price of petrol in Australia has recently hit 136.9 cents per litre. As a result, learner drivers, who legally have to spend a minimum of 120 hours

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How to do a truck pre-drive check

Making sure your truck is fit for the road is something you’ll do every day as part of your pre-drive check. This allows you to pick up obvious problems and to spot developing problems before they become serious. A driver

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The top electric vehicle startups to follow in 2019

Electric vehicles have been dominating headlines since the Toyota Prius hybrid hit the worldwide marketplace in 2000. In 2017 there were an estimated 3.1 million EVs on the road, and that number is expected to skyrocket to more than 2 billion by

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Night driving is more dangerous: here’s how to reduce the risk

As the sun goes down the colours gradually fade and darkness begins to place extra challenges for driving. Our main experience of the world is visual, so once this sense is dulled, we need to be sure we can react

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Advice for driving in the desert and outback

Whether you’re heading inland in Australia or you’re going overseas to Africa, the Middle East or parts of the American West, you’ll find deserts you can drive through that have spectacular scenery but also spectacular risks – they don’t call

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Are racing drivers allowed to drift or race on the road?

Australia has dangerous driving laws and they are designed to set guidance around when driving is considered to present undue risks to the public or property. But what if a race car driver breaks the law but is still well

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How do potholes form?

Potholes are dotted all over our highways and byways, with local councils always playing catch-up to fill them in. It’s an expensive, never-ending job which, hopefully, will be fixed soon with self-healing asphalt. Until that arrives, we have to put

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