Driver Knowledge Tests

What should you do if your car breaks down in the desert or outback?

The desert is probably the most inhospitable and dangerous places to break down. Dehydration can set in very quickly and many people have died trying to walk from their car to a nearby settlement. However, a dangerous situation is usually

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Ten inconvenient places to break down and what to do

However much preventative maintenance you do on your car there’s always the risk that you’ll get a puncture or something will break unexpectedly. No breakdown is convenient, but some scenarios are worse than others (like breaking down on the way

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When can you use a private car, van or ute for work?

A car which you use for business doesn’t have to be owned by the business. In fact, it doesn’t have to be owned by you (although, you can’t claim as many expenses if it isn’t). If you use your personal,

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Keyless entry and ignition: how does it work?

Unlocking a car door with a key is very rare on newer cars with almost all having some kind of remote to lock and unlock the doors. While it’s not good for surfers who relished the plain old key’s ability

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How do you work out speed vs time vs distance?

There are simple equations you can use if you want to estimate how long it’ll take you to get somewhere. Distance = Speed * Time You can make any of these variables (or ‘terms’) the subject of the equation, therefore:

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Going on a road trip? Renting a car could be a smart choice

Australia’s Red Centre has been voted as one of the best places to visit. Blessed with dramatic shorelines, interesting historic towns, endless deserts, and amazing landscapes, a road trip on the island continent can be an efficient way to see its

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How are roads designed using the safe system approach?

Humans are deeply flawed – far too flawed for safe driving and we see that every day in the form of crashes that result in death and injury. Our reactions are relatively slow, our eyesight is not good at night

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