Driver Knowledge Tests

Are wider tyres better than narrower tyres?

For various reasons, drivers change their tyres for ones which have a different width to the ones that came as standard. There are limits to how much extra width you are allowed on a wheel rim. Advantages of wider tyres

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How to dispose of a worn-out car

However much you are fond of your car, sooner or later it will decay to the point of uselessness unless you maintain it. In many cases, it will become uneconomical to maintain as technology moves on. Or you’ll just want

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Tips for getting car air conditioning to work better

When you get in your vehicle and it’s hot, run the air conditioning immediately, but leave the doors or windows open until the temperature inside the cabin normalises to the temperature outside the cabin. This means that air being passed

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How does air conditioning work in your car or truck?

Air conditioning helps a driver to stay focussed as excessive heat can lead to dehydration and discomfort within the vehicle’s cabin – something that’s important for long-distance drivers to avoid as driving dehydrated is like driving with alcohol in your

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What is a truck-mounted crane or truck loader crane?

Truck-mounted crane and truck loader crane refer to a truck which has a crane either at the rear or just behind that cab which is used to load and unload goods from the truck’s deck. It’s sometimes called a Hiab

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What’s a side loader trailer?

A side loader is a self-loading trailer, typically skeletal, with two hydraulic lifting cranes to lift a container onto it. It can be operated by the driver using controls on the side of the trailer or a remote control. Sideloaders

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What is PTO or power take-off on a truck?

Power take-off or PTO is a way of diverting power from the engine of a truck to an attachment, a trailer or a separate machine. On a truck, these are commonly used to: Raise a dump truck’s trailer or body

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