Driver Knowledge Tests

Can you smoke in a car in Australia?

You can smoke in a car anywhere in Australia as long as there is not a minor in the car. The definition of a minor varies: Victoria and Tasmania: a person under 18 years old Western Australia: a person under

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Should your company have an idling policy?

Idling is when you are stationary but your engine is still running. It creates financial and environmental challenges for companies and individuals. Excess fuel use It’s a huge cause of unnecessary fuel use and engine wear for commercial and private

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With international travel out of the question, it’s the perfect time for an Australian road trip – and tyre safety

Tourism Minister, Simon Birmingham, warns that the country’s borders are likely to remain shut until 2021. However, even though international travel isn’t an option right now, it doesn’t mean that travel plans are completely out of the question. In fact, taking a

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Can you drive while blind in one eye in Australia?


We’ve covered whether you can drive with bad eyesight, but what about if you go blind in one eye, whether through disease or injury? Private licence Private licences are for vehicles which are not driven for hire or reward. Typically

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Why does burning 1 litre of fuel create over 2kg of carbon dioxide?

One litre of petrol weighs around 740g but produces around 2.31kg of carbon dioxide when burned. A litre of diesel, which weighs around 840g, produces even more – 2.68kg of carbon dioxide. This CO2 is created in the combustion process

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Aftermarket products you can add to your old car to boost safety

Recent advances in connected and automated vehicles could reduce traffic accidents by 70 per cent in the next 25 years, according to a study published in the Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. Modern vehicles are coming out with all kinds of

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Four car engine maintenance tips every driver should know

The average repair cost linked to a car engine check is around $357, including labour and parts. However, simple car maintenance can reduce the number of costly repairs you’ll need to make, and keep your car in good shape between checks.

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