Driver Knowledge Tests

How should you safely load items in your car?

You’ll frequently need to carry items in or on your car, whether it’s shopping, a pet or something large like a surfboard. The four most important considerations when loading items in a car are: Will this item fly forwards and

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How to easily make your car go smoother

There’s no real secret in making your car run smoother, it’s just proper maintenance and some minor adjustments that’ll do the trick. Many of the things you can do require you to shell out a lot of money and some

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Guidelines for loading a roof rack

If you’re loading a roof rack, whether it’s for work or you’re packing things for your holiday, there are some guidelines which will help keep your load secure: Check the rating on your roof rack and don’t overload it. There

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Will self-driving cars ever mean that road deaths will reduce to zero?

Self-driving vehicles could reduce road fatalities to close to zero but it would require all vehicles to be self-driving (including motorbikes, which is unlikely) and for a complete separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Cyclists and pedestrians are included in

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How to make an old car stand out to the average millennial buyer

Used car prices in Australia are currently at an all-time high as people look to minimise their use of public transport. Used car sellers have been struggling to keep up with the extreme levels of demand over the past few months,

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Heavy truck braking distances

An SUV weighs 2000kg and has four wheels in contact with the road. A typical prime mover and semitrailer could weigh 20 times that, but with only five times as many wheels in contact with the road. This difference in

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How do breathalysers find alcohol in blood?

The main reasons why breathalysers are used is to determine whether a person behind the wheel is driving under the influence of alcohol, either as a roadside test by traffic officers or in use as part of an ignition interlock

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