Driver Knowledge Tests

How to teach a teenager to drive

Teaching your teenager to drive should make you concerned: you’re putting your own flesh and blood in control of probably the family’s second most valuable possession (after the house), in scenarios that are fraught with danger. Unless you’ve been trained

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What to do after surviving a serious accident while driving

Whether you have walked out of an accident unscratched or with major injuries, it may be a while before you are comfortable enough to get back behind the wheel. Accidents affect you both physically and psychologically. Fortunately, there are lots

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When does a driver need to carry a spill kit?

Some drivers carry liquids that are hazardous or dangerous. If there’s a spill, they must be able to contain and/or clean up the spill to prevent them entering into the soil, groundwater or drains. This is done using a spill

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How do rollover accidents happen and what causes them?

A rollover accident occurs when a vehicle (e.g. a car, truck or trailer) ends up on its side or roof (and may even roll further back onto its wheels). It is not used for motorbike highside crashes. A rollover happens

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Follow these useful tips to easily buy a new car

Buying a new car can be overwhelming and expensive at the same time. You can get the best deal if you know how the buying process works.   Follow these four tips to improve your chances of buying the right

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Driving tips for a Roadranger gearbox

A Roadranger gearbox is a non-synchro manual gearbox used in many American and Asian trucks. We covered how to change gear using a Roadranger previously, and for detailed operation and techniques from professional drivers and driver trainers you can learn

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How do you drive an 18-speed Roadranger truck gearbox?

Many American and some Asian prime movers and heavy rigid (HR) trucks have a gearbox from Eaton called the Fuller Roadranger (or Road Ranger). Common formats are 9, 13, 15 and 18 gears. These extra ratios give you much more

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