Driver Knowledge Tests

When should you avoid passing or overtaking another vehicle

If a vehicle ahead is travelling slower than you want to travel, you can overtake them, but there is safe overtaking and unsafe overtaking. Signs that prohibit you from overtaking or warn of scenarios where overtaking is dangerous Driving scenarios

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How can you improve the acceleration of your car?

There are two ways to speed up your car’s acceleration: Improve its power output at the wheels Reduce any factors that are holding it back. The driver The driver has to choose the right gear for the speed, terrain and

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How to protect your legal rights after being hurt in an accident with a fatigued driver

Driver sleeping at rest stop

Around 40% of people get less than the recommended amount of sleep if this American study is anything to go by. The average person needs 7-9 hours a night according to the Sleep Health Foundation. Driving while you are tired

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How to teach a teenager to drive

Teaching your teenager to drive should make you concerned: you’re putting your own flesh and blood in control of probably the family’s second most valuable possession (after the house), in scenarios that are fraught with danger. Unless you’ve been trained

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What to do after surviving a serious accident while driving

Whether you have walked out of an accident unscratched or with major injuries, it may be a while before you are comfortable enough to get back behind the wheel. Accidents affect you both physically and psychologically. Fortunately, there are lots

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When does a driver need to carry a spill kit?

Some drivers carry liquids that are hazardous or dangerous. If there’s a spill, they must be able to contain and/or clean up the spill to prevent them entering into the soil, groundwater or drains. This is done using a spill

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How do rollover accidents happen and what causes them?

A rollover accident occurs when a vehicle (e.g. a car, truck or trailer) ends up on its side or roof (and may even roll further back onto its wheels). It is not used for motorbike highside crashes. A rollover happens

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