Driver Knowledge Tests

Which is better: roundabouts or traffic lights?

At an intersection, roundabouts and traffic lights can have the same desired effect, but they have very different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. In a city, there are far more traffic lights than there are roundabouts for one main reason: space.

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How do you hire a prime mover or semitrailer?

Most people know how to hire a car – you see car hire places near airports and major tourist hubs – but how do you hire a much, much larger vehicle like a semitrailer, b-double or prime mover? There are

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What are the rules for using vehicles in a cycle lane?

Motorised vehicle drivers can’t use cycle lanes to drive in unless: They are crossing them to enter or exit a driveway or side road, in which case they can drive up to 50 metres in the cycle lane They are

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Can you use Android Auto or Apple CarPlay in your car on Ls or Ps

Drivers on their Ls and Ps risk fines under what could be argued is a draconian and inconsistent system preventing learner and new drivers from using some technology within their vehicle. While using a handheld mobile phone while driving is

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What are sleepiness or fatigue sensors in vehicles?

Some vehicles warn a driver if they are showing signs of sleepiness or fatigue. These systems are generally called driver drowsiness detection systems and they work in 3 main ways: Timer A simple timer, usually set at around 2 hours,

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Can aftermarket modifications help you drive more safely?

An aftermarket modification is an addition to a vehicle that wasn’t offered or provided by the manufacturer. It could be something as simple as tinting the windows, or something more extensive such as a complete engine swap. There’s significant scope

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What’s the Dutch Reach when opening a door?

Usually we’d open a car door from the inside using the hand nearest the door, but this isn’t the best way to see into the blind spot that’s created by the B-pillar just behind your head. This can mean that

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