Driver Knowledge Tests

What are sleepiness or fatigue sensors in vehicles?

Some vehicles warn a driver if they are showing signs of sleepiness or fatigue. These systems are generally called driver drowsiness detection systems and they work in 3 main ways: Timer A simple timer, usually set at around 2 hours,

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Can aftermarket modifications help you drive more safely?

An aftermarket modification is an addition to a vehicle that wasn’t offered or provided by the manufacturer. It could be something as simple as tinting the windows, or something more extensive such as a complete engine swap. There’s significant scope

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What’s the Dutch Reach when opening a door?

Usually we’d open a car door from the inside using the hand nearest the door, but this isn’t the best way to see into the blind spot that’s created by the B-pillar just behind your head. This can mean that

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How your driving behaviour directly affects your insurance premiums

When learning to drive, you have a lot of information and skills to become accustomed to. However, some of that information has little to do with driving itself. Rather, you are going to need to know about seemingly external issues,

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How should learner drivers handle situations when their car won’t start?

Learning to drive is quite challenging. One of the most common vehicle problems you will find is a car not starting. As a beginner driver, a vehicle not starting can cause you a lot of grief. The good news is

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Steps for managing riskier drivers

Commercial fleets often face multiple accidents per year, and one accident can end up costing you tens of thousands of dollars. And if your company has higher risk drivers, you are even more likely to face a workplace accident. Safety

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What vehicles have a speed limiter in Australia?

The easiest way to have a vehicle stick to the maximum speed limit is to put a limiter in. It removes the ability for a driver to exceed the speed limit unless they are going downhill and gravity overcomes wind

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